Navigating the Maze of BTL Marketing: Why Offsite Construction Should Bet Big on Webinars and Podcasts

by Gary Fleisher

Welcome to the world of “Below the Line” (BTL) marketing, where the spotlight shines on targeted, strategic promotions aimed directly at niche audiences. Forget the shotgun approach of mass media; BTL marketing is more like a precision sniper, utilizing tools like direct mail, flyers, and email marketing to hit the bullseye. But as we stride further into the digital age, two tools—webinars and podcasts—have become the superstars of BTL marketing, especially in industries like offsite construction. Here’s why these tools are not just useful but essential, and how to wield them effectively.

Webinar Glossary: A Complete List of Must Know Webinar Terms

The Power of Webinars in Offsite Construction

Webinars are not just presentations; they are interactive experiences that can bridge the gap between you and your potential clients. Here’s why they’re a game-changer:

Pros of Webinars:

Interactive Engagement: Imagine engaging with your audience in real-time, answering their questions, getting immediate feedback through polls, and adapting your pitch on the fly. This level of interaction not only boosts engagement but also builds trust.

Show, Don’t Tell: With webinars, you can visually demonstrate the nuts and bolts of offsite construction projects. Whether it’s showing off blueprints, 3D models, or video walkthroughs of construction sites, you get to provide a comprehensive view that words alone can’t achieve.

Lead Generation Machine: Every registration is a direct line to a potential client. These aren’t cold calls; these are warm leads who have shown interest and are ripe for follow-ups.

Cons of Webinars:

Demands Resources: Pulling off a successful webinar isn’t a walk in the park. It requires meticulous planning, a solid tech setup, and a charismatic presenter. It’s an investment of time and resources.

Time Zone Tetris: Scheduling a live event that caters to everyone’s availability, especially if your audience is global, is always a challenge.

Presenter Dependent: A webinar’s success heavily relies on the presenter’s ability to keep the audience engaged. A lackluster presentation can lead to dwindling attention spans.

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Why Podcasts Could Be Your Next Best Move

Podcasts offer a more laid-back, on-demand way for your audience to engage with your content, which is particularly appealing in the fast-paced construction industry.

Pros of Podcasts:

On-the-Go Learning: Podcasts cater to the modern professional’s lifestyle, allowing them to listen while commuting, exercising, or during lunch breaks.

Cost Efficiency: Starting a podcast can be relatively inexpensive compared to organizing webinars. A good microphone, some editing software, and you’re good to go.

Evergreen Content: Once a podcast episode is live, it stays on the internet forever, continually attracting new listeners and generating value without additional effort.

Cons of Podcasts:

No Real-Time Interaction: Unlike webinars, podcasts don’t allow for real-time engagement. Listener feedback is delayed, which can sometimes slow down the momentum.

Visual Limitations: Discussing complex construction processes without visual aids can be a hurdle, potentially leading to misinterpretation or disengagement.

Crowded Market: Standing out in the saturated podcast landscape requires more than just great content; it requires savvy marketing and a clear, compelling value proposition.

Integrating Webinars and Podcasts into Your Marketing Strategy

Deciding between webinars and podcasts isn’t an either/or proposition—each has its unique strengths and can complement the other. Consider your campaign’s goals, the nature of the content, and your audience’s preferences. Often, using a combination of both formats can help you engage with your audience through interactive webinars while maintaining interest through the ongoing reach of podcasts.

In offsite construction, where details matter and the stakes are high, having these tools at your disposal isn’t just nice—it’s necessary. By leveraging both webinars and podcasts, you can ensure that your marketing efforts are as structured and sound as the buildings you’re constructing.

Now, get out there and start building your audience of builders, new home buyers, and developers!


Gary Fleisher is a renowned blogger, consultant, and commentator on construction and housing trends, known for his insightful analysis of the industry.

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Gary Fleisher

Gary Fleisher, “The Mod Coach”, has been entrenched in the offsite construction industry for most of his life. Having started his career in the lumber industry, Gary spent decades working with manufactured and modular home producers and homebuilders. For the past 15 years his blog and LinkedIn postings have introduced thousands to the benefits of factory-built construction and have served as a forum for industry professionals to share insights and perspectives. Gary lives in Hagerstown, MD with his wife, Peg.