Navigating Biden’s SOTU Blueprint for Affordability

Reading Between the Lines

By Gary Fleisher

For many wanting to have a new home, President Joe Biden’s State of the Union speech put forth a multifaceted approach to tackle the nation’s housing crisis head-on. The landscape of housing in America is a complex one, marked by soaring costs, a scarcity of affordable homes, and a system that, for too long, has been unyielding for the average American family. 

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Amid these challenges, Biden’s speech was just a combination of actions already in motion and ambitious proposals awaiting the green light from Congress.

The Groundwork Laid: What’s Making a Difference Today

A Surge in Construction: A beacon of progress shines through the increased rate of housing unit construction, hitting a peak not seen in the last half-century. This boom in construction is a critical step toward mitigating the housing shortage that plagues many communities across the nation.

Climbing Homeownership Rates: Reflecting a positive shift, the rate of homeownership has ascended beyond pre-pandemic levels, signaling an environment where more Americans are able to stake their claim in the housing market.

Easing the Path to Homeownership: Through measures like the reduction of mortgage insurance premiums by HUD, an estimated 850,000 homebuyers and homeowners have found relief, marking a tangible impact on the cost of accessing housing.

Cutting Down Closing Costs: Innovative policies and pilots, such as those approved by the Federal Housing Finance Agency, are trimming the financial burden on homeowners at closing, making the leap into homeownership or refinancing less daunting.

Renters’ Relief: The administration’s stance against rent gouging and unfair landlord practices, alongside efforts to cut down on rental “junk fees,” paints a picture of a government committed to fairness and affordability in the rental market. The expansion of Housing Choice Vouchers, providing rental assistance to over 100,000 households, further underscores this commitment.

The Horizon: Ambitious Proposals Awaiting Approval

While strides have been made, the Biden administration’s vision for a fully accessible and affordable housing market is still simply wishful thinking. However, several key proposals stand at the threshold, requiring Congressional action to bring them to fruition:

Homebuyer Support: A proposed $10,000 tax credit for first-time homebuyers and those transitioning from starter homes aims to lower the barriers to homeownership but waits on the legislative sidelines for approval.

A Construction Crusade: The call to legislate the building and renovation of over 2 million homes represents a monumental step toward closing the housing supply gap. However, this ambitious plan remains in the proposal phase.

Financial Aids for Homebuyers: From a mortgage relief credit intended to aid middle-class families in purchasing their first home to down payment assistance for first-generation homeowners, these proposals shine a light on the path to homeownership but have yet to receive Congressional blessing.

Incentives for Affordable Housing Development: The expansion of tax credits to stimulate the building of affordable housing units and the introduction of the Innovation Fund for Housing Expansion are among the proposed measures poised to make a significant impact, pending legislative action.

Looking Forward

The Biden administration’s approach to the housing crisis is a tapestry of progress and potential, weaving together the threads of current achievements with the vision of transformative proposals. While significant strides have been made in increasing construction, improving homeownership rates, and protecting renters, the journey toward a fully accessible and affordable housing market is far from over. 

Data condensed from a White House press release from President Biden’s State of the Union Speech.


Gary Fleisher is a renowned blogger, consultant, and commentator on construction and housing trends, known for his insightful analysis of the industry.

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Gary Fleisher

Gary Fleisher, “The Mod Coach”, has been entrenched in the offsite construction industry for most of his life. Having started his career in the lumber industry, Gary spent decades working with manufactured and modular home producers and homebuilders. For the past 15 years his blog and LinkedIn postings have introduced thousands to the benefits of factory-built construction and have served as a forum for industry professionals to share insights and perspectives. Gary lives in Hagerstown, MD with his wife, Peg.